Spare parts and accessories for all makes, Accessories, Most common spare parts for all snowmobiles, Tires for all vehicles, Disc wheels
Enjoy fresh buns and coffee, sweets and soft drinks in our coffee shop.
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Nussbaum -test track
We check the brakes, suspension and plow of your car.
Nordlift UC3500 -inspection lift
Equipped with shaker plates
Bosch -motor tester
Engine blend ratios and lambda values
Autocom -diagnostic equipment
diagnostic equipment reads and resets fault codes for almost all car models
tässä selosteessa kerrotaan henkilötietojen käsittelystä Samimootor Oy:ssä
rekisterinpitäjä on Samimootor Oy 0398636-2, kotipaikka Utsjoki.
Tietojen käsittelyn syy
Pääasiallinen tarkoitus henkilötietojen käsittelyyn Samimootor Oy:ssä on asiakastilaukset, autotietojen ja huoltohistorian käyttö sekä
myyntireskontra. Asiakas- sekä ajoneuvotietoja ei yhdistetä tulosteissa eikä ulkopuolinen pääse tietoihin käsiksi. Tekstiviestien
lähettäminen asiakkaalle perustuu asiakkaan ja Samimootor Oy:n henkilökunnan väliseen sopimukseen. Tämä käsittää ilmoitukset tilattujen
tuotteiden saapumisilmoitukseen, asiakkaan ajoneuvon valmistumisilmoitukseen sekä keskinäiseen viestittelyyn ajoneuvon korjaukseen
liittyvissä asioissa. Tullin rekisteröitynä asiakkaana Samimootor Oy käyttää tietoja vain mahdollisen perintätoimen astuessa voimaan.
Henkilötietojen säilytysaika ja -paikka
Asiakkaiden henkilötiedot säilytetään Samimootor Oy:n asiakasrekisterissä eikä niihin ole muilla pääsyä kuin tietyn käyttäjätason omaavalla
Tietojen luovuttaminen
Henkilötietoja ei luovuteta ulkopuolisille eikä niitä siirretä muille. Asiakkaan omia henkilötietoja luovutetaan vain asiakkaalle itselleen.
Tietojen tarkastaminen
Jos haluat tarkastaa asiakastietojasi tai muuttaa niitä, ota yhteys Samimootor Oy, Ari Naapanki, ari.naapanki(at)
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Samimootor Oy
this report describes the processing of personal data in Samimootor Oy
the registrar is Samimootor Oy 0398636-2, domiciled in Utsjoki.
Reason for processing the data
The main purpose of processing personal data at Samimootor Oy is customer orders, the use of car data and service history, and
sales ledger. Customer and vehicle information is not combined in the printouts and cannot be accessed by third parties. Text messaging
sending to the customer is based on an agreement between the customer and Samimootor Oy's personnel. This includes notifications of subscriptions
product arrival notification, customer vehicle completion notification, and mutual communication for vehicle repair
related matters. As a registered customer of Customs, Samimootor Oy only uses the information when a possible collection action takes effect.
Time and place of storage of personal information
Customers' personal data is stored in Samimootor Oy's customer register and is not accessible to anyone other than those with a certain user level.
Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties or transferred to others. The customer's own personal data is only disclosed to the customer himself.
Check information
If you want to check or change your customer information, please contact Samimootor Oy, Ari Naapanki, ari.naapanki (at)
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Samimootor Oy
denne rapporten beskriver behandlingen av personopplysninger i Samimootor Oy
registratoren er Samimootor Oy 0398636-2, hjemmehørende i Utsjoki.
Årsak til behandlingen av dataene
Hovedformålet med behandling av personopplysninger hos Samimootor Oy er kundeordrer, bruk av bildata og servicehistorikk, og
salgsbok. Kunde- og kjøretøyinformasjon er ikke kombinert i utskriftene og er ikke tilgjengelig for tredjeparter. Tekstmeldinger
sending til kunden er basert på en avtale mellom kunden og Samimootor Oy personell. Dette inkluderer varsler om abonnement
varsel om produktankomst, varsel om fullføring av kundebil og gjensidig kommunikasjon for reparasjon av kjøretøy
relaterte saker. Som registrert kunde hos Toll, bruker Samimootor Oy kun informasjonen når en mulig innsamlingshandling trer i kraft.
Tid og sted for lagring av personlig informasjon
Kundenes personlige data lagres i Samimootor Oy kundregister og er ikke tilgjengelig for andre enn de med et bestemt brukernivå.
Personopplysninger vil ikke bli utlevert til tredjepart eller overført til andre. Kundens egne personopplysninger blir kun videreformidlet til kunden selv.
Sjekk informasjon
Hvis du vil sjekke eller endre kundeinformasjonen din, kan du kontakte Samimootor Oy, Ari Naapanki, ari.naapanki (at)
History of Samimootor Company
Reino Naapanki, the founder of Samimootor Oy and his wife Kaisa tell about the stages of the movement over the years. At the workshop, early snowmobiles have changed into cars and development has gone in many directions, but where did it all start from?
Samimootor Oy's forty-year history began in 1966 when Reino repaired the first snowmobile for a fee in a small workshop behind the liter. The first customer in this one-man company was Aslak-Antti Länsman. At that stage, the workshop had little more than a snowmobile and a repairman to fit in.
In 1968 the first actual repair shop was built. Tires and spare parts were already on sale at that time. Petrol sales began in -72. The first person to pay at the workshop was Johannes Rasmus, who sometimes went to work in Norway, then returned. Next up was Reijo Pohjanrinne, who has been involved since.
Workshop workers have come and gone, some for shorter periods, but boys Ari and Esa got into the business pretty much as soon as they were old enough to run a car tire. Officially, Ari joined the company in -82 and Esa worked as a workshop manager from -85 to -08. The first workshop extension was made in the 1980s.
The oil crisis of the 70s and the regulation of gasoline were felt in Samimotor's everyday life. Reino admits that hitting the gloves on the counter and throwing the wrench in the corner certainly took place over the years, but by no means serious.
Coffee and pastries Samimootor has been serving its customers since the mid-1980s. The wineries were initially baked by wife Kaisa and later ordered from Ivalo Pastry Shop and local Tenon Bakery. Today, pastries are bought from wholesalers and baked on the spot. The medicine cabinet came in -78 after Anna Suomenrinne had finished keeping it. The position of the representative post on Samimotori has been in existence since -92. The background was the abolition of the actual post.
Since its inception, trading has been conducted mainly in three languages: Finnish, Norwegian and Sámi. If the Norwegian language has not been so fluent at first, it has been learned along with the job. In addition, many foreign visitors have spoken Finnish. Norwegian customers have always been the lifeblood of the company.
The store expanded to -95. Four years later Reino retired and in 2001 Kaisa followed suit. Of course, retirement never means a complete retreat for a family entrepreneur, but Samimootor remains under the benevolent scrutiny of his founder, Reno and his wife. In addition, both are shareholders in the company.
The name "Samimootor" has about as many spellings as there are customers. No, after all, there is a wide range of services: the company is also a travel agent, a spare parts shop, a café, a repair shop, an agent and a medicine cabinet. Today, Samimootor employs ten people on a permanent basis. The latest step forward has been the large-scale expansion of the workshop in 2004.